
目前显示的是 五月, 2022的博文

Ion-exchange membrane in the chlor-alkali industry

  In the   chlor-alkali industry , the use of   ion-exchange membrane  electrolyzers to produce sodium hydroxide has become a common practice. However, this membrane method requires that the content of calcium and magnesium ions in the brine into the tank be less than 20ppb. The old refining method can only reduce the content of calcium and magnesium ions in the brine to about 1 ppm. In order to meet the requirements of the ion-exchange membrane process for the secondary brine, Sunresin has developed its proprietary Uniform Particle Size  chelating resin ,  Monojet LSC-7500 , which can reduce the calcium and magnesium ion content to less than 5 ppb. The Monojet LSC-7500 chelating resin does not only lower the calcium and magnesium ions to less than 5 ppb, but can also significantly remove other ions such as barium, strontium, aluminum, and iron.  This video features the production site of a major titanium dioxide production enterprise group in Asia.  This set of 200,000 tons of ion-ex