Lithium Extraction From Brine Lake

In 2019, the total lithium production capacity of Qinghai Salt Lake is expected to reach 110,000 tons. According to the "Qinghai 100 billion lithium battery industry development plan", by 2020, Qinghai plans to produce more than 78 billion yuan of lithium battery industry, and by 2025 it will reach more than 180 billion yuan.

Because of its low lithium content and high magnesium content, lithium extraction

from lean ore brine was considered difficult to realize whether from aspect of the technical breakthrough or economical profit, unbalanced in input and output.

Sunresin has cooperated with Shaanxi Membrane Separation Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd. to overcome this technology and undertake the commissioning of Qinghai lean ore brine 100t/a lithium carbonate project. The EPC project has entered the normal operation stage and has produced high-purity lithium carbonate.

The technology adopts the combination of adsorption separation and membrane separation, could realize high lithium-magnesium ratio (1300:1) lean ore brine to extract lithium, combined with the company's existing impurity removal technology and system equipment technology, could achieve the mass production of lithium carbonate in battery-level high purity,shows obvious economic and environmental advantages.





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